Overview of October’s Astrological Events and Their Impact on November
As we enter November, we are taking stock after the two eclipses in October, and the planet Mars has joined the warlike sign of Scorpio. On October 7th, we saw an explosion of violence in Israel as Mars squared Pluto, and the Moon opposed Pluto squared Mars. Then, we experienced a Lunar Eclipse again in the late degrees of Libra.
Mars in Scorpio: Unleashing Intensity in World Affairs and Personal Lives

On October 11th, Mars entered Scorpio, moving from a sign where it was detrimental to its own rulership and where it feels completely empowered. Now, in Scorpio, Mars has access to the full range of its expression, including suppressed rage and acting out warlike.
Astrological Forecast for November 2023: Challenges and Opportunities
November planetary placements are intense and suggest that this Mideast War and world anger regarding the Mideast are raw and polarizing. The recent lunar eclipse suggests that passions run deep. What is essential for you as an individual is to try to keep calm and try to stay centered even though it may seem that our planet’s axis is on “tilt!”
Venus Opposes Neptune, and Saturn Goes Direct: Relationship and Self-Reflection
On November 3rd, Venus opposes Neptune, challenging us to understand what is real and what is elusive with friends and lovers. Mars in 15 Scorpio is opposing the Jupiter and Uranus Midpoint. This could be another sudden eruption in war or possible volatility on Wall Street.
Venus in Virgo is in the sign of her fall, being in the opposite sign of Pisces, where Venus has her exaltation. She is trying to tell you to listen. Try not to be too critical of lovers or partners right now. Maybe it is better to combine reason and emotion to see beyond any deceptions. Perhaps the person that we have been enjoying a cosmic dance with is really not the person he or she appears to be. With so much mutability, we may wish to exit stage left and say our final goodbye. If someone is asking you for money under this transit, it is best to not be deceived. You have worked hard, and loaning money to a friend at this time may not bode well. This aspect does not augur well either for diplomacy. However, it is relatively short-lived, and if romance is true, you should be back on course soon.
On the same day that Venus is opposing Neptune, Saturn is finishing its retrograde motion in Pisces and is starting its direct movement in that sign. Saturn is not necessarily functional in Jupiter-ruled Pisces. Saturn is about structures, planning, goal setting, and karma, and in the spiritually oriented sign of Pisces, Saturn’s best work may be to urge us to personally explore a routine that includes meditation and spiritual practices for self-nurturance and growth. Pisces can be a dreamy sign, and the best use of Saturn during its 2 ½ year transit in Pisces may be to make our personal dreams more concrete. Saturn will be in Pisces for the next 2 ½ years, and depending on where Pisces is in your birth chart, Saturn may oblige you to revisit or dissolve patterns of behavior that don’t serve you well depending on the theme of the house of its placement.
Venus in Libra: A Breath of Fresh Air for Love and Partnerships
On November 8th, lovely Venus happily enters the sociable air sign of Libra, which she rules with grace and friendliness. Is love in the air now? Partnerships and cooperative endeavors may be favored as Venus leaves the sign of her fall and enters her sign of rulership. Depending on where Libra is in your chart, those areas of life may benefit from Venus.
Mars Opposes Uranus: Bracing for Sudden Changes
However, we still need to be alert and keep our calm and cool as 3 days later, Mars opposes Uranus in fixed signs, and there may be some earth-shattering events to upset our world at this time with this once-every-two-year opposition as the planet Uranus is the closest it will be to earth as it opposes the Sun two days after it opposes Mars. The Sun and Mars are conjoined at this time, and the new Moon on the 13th with the Sun and Moon and Mars conjoined and opposing Uranus can bring about unexpected events of an earth-shattering nature during these times. On November 14th, Venus sextiles Mercury in Sagittarius, which may be a time for compromise or more fiery rhetoric in foreign war arenas.
Sun and Mars in Sagittarius: Navigating Challenges and Conserving Energy
On November 22nd, the Sun enters Sagittarius, followed by Mars, leaving warlike Scorpio, the sign of its rulership, for a sojourn into Sagittarius and Saturn squaring first the Sun, and then Mars suggests this is a good time to conserve one’s energy. Energies can be scattered, plans may not be as well thought out as necessary, and Mars, in the sign of Sagittarius, may feel constrained or irritated by the blocking energy of Saturn. This transit shall pass, and it is best to try to remain emotionally composed and not waste one’s energy being angry. Depending on one’s chart, areas of irritation can be in the workplace, in relation to others, possibly affecting joint finances, or perhaps a promotion you were expecting is not coming through. Diplomacy in speech and a philosophical mindset can be the key to getting through stressful times.
Astrological Forecast for November 2023: Closing Thoughts
Nothing good will come from confrontations with others at this time, so it is best to do some Holiday shopping, take a meditation class, or work on personal positive goals as the month is drawing to a close.