The Ascendant is an important part of your Astrological Chart. It’s the sign rising on the Eastern Horizon when you take your first breath at birth.
The Ascendant in Astrology: Table of Contents
- What is the Ascendant Sign, and How is It Calculated?
- Importance of Knowing the Ascendant Sign
- Significance of Birth Time Accuracy
- Understanding the Ruling Planet of the Ascendant
- The Four Elements and Their Influence on the Rising Sign
- Understanding the Modality of the Ascendant in Astrology
- Understanding Rising Signs: A Journey from “I” to “Thou”
- The Role of Planetary Rulers in Rising Sign Interpretation
- What does your Ascendant say about you?
What is the Ascendant Sign, and How is It Calculated?
The Ascendant sign is the energetic, most vital part of who you are, and its sign has to do with your body, how others perceive you, and how you operate in life. The Ascendant moves forward faster than any of the Astrological points, changing signs every two hours, which is why an Astrologer will urge you to provide an accurate birth time before reading your chart. To correctly interpret a person’s horoscope or birth chart, knowing the correct time is vital for determining the Ascendant sign and degree.
An astrologer can usually determine the sign placements of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the outer planets without knowing the exact birth time, and usually, the astrologer can determine the Moon sign. However, without an exact time, the astrologer cannot truly tell you how, with accuracy, your Ascendant, which is one of the most essential chart points. It is equal in importance to the Sun or Moon and possibly even more important than your Sun sign in some person’s charts.
Importance of Knowing the Ascendant Sign
Knowing the sign of the rising sign is descriptive of how you will focus your life, goals, direction, or how you will move through life. The rising sign has been compared to the prow of a ship, as it describes how you move forward in life or what your persona is as seen by others.
Often, the rising sign in a person’s chart is more descriptive of how they approach life and how others perceive them than the Sun sign. So, it is common in our society to greet another with “Hi, I am a Gemini. What sign are you?” The truth of the matter is that even though our Sun sign may be Gemini, if we have Capricorn rising, one’s life is going to take on a much more serious, somber persona. Saturn will be the ruling planet and will color the person’s chart, way of being in the world, and the way they navigate their life. Therefore, although you may see yourself as a certain sun sign, the person you are may not entirely conform to the sun sign person described in popular sun sign astrology because of the influence of your rising sign.
Significance of Birth Time Accuracy
Also, an accurate birth time is required for predictive purposes and for a more nuanced Astrological reading. Parents often tell a child they were born around breakfast or around 10 AM. Still, in digging more deeply, by obtaining the birth record, we may discover that the individual was actually born at 10:34 AM, and the difference in the Ascendant could be 9 degrees. This will be a subject perhaps for another article: The degrees of your sign matter. But, now I am getting ahead of myself and this topic!
While many astrologers do not fine-tune the chart to differentiate between a person with an Ascendant at 15 degrees of a sign vs. 26 degrees of a sign, the traditional astrologer knows that sign degrees add nuances that modern astrologers have often overlooked.
Understanding the Ruling Planet of the Ascendant
The following describes the rising signs and the rising sign rulers. However, the sign placement of the ruler of the rising sign and the house placement will provide the backdrop and interpretative refinement in focus and expression that is significant. As an example, when I discuss Gemini rising, which is ruled by Mercury, a person with Gemini rising who has Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini in Gemini, is going to come across in a much more Geminian way than a person who has Gemini rising with Mercury in Capricorn a sign ruled by Saturn. The latter is going to be much more cautious and organized in their thinking, less social, and more carefully constructive in thought and speech than the former.
So, when we look at the rising sign, we will also carefully look at the planetary ruler of the rising sign, the sign, and the house placement of the planetary ruler. We will also look at aspects of the rising sign and especially the ruler of the rising sign to further understand how the person navigates through life, their comfort zones, and their way of being in the world.
In this general outline, I will only discuss the rising sign in all its full-blown glory and leave the fine-tuning of its interpretation for another article, a podcast, perhaps. Still, I go into it in-depth when doing a personal reading.
The Four Elements and Their Influence on the Rising Sign
When we think of the Rising Sign or Ascendant, we can start to understand how people project themselves into their lives by understanding the element on the Ascendant sign. The Four Elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. I wrote an article on the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water: Elements in Astrology and Their Historical Roots.
A Fire sign rising is going to be action-oriented, an enthusiastic spirit, have an aura of self-confidence, and always UP for the next party, event or activity! Fire sign rising people are Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.
An Earth sign rising person is going to have an overall practical approach to life and will be focused on practicality, resources, and the use of resources or acquisition, including financial resources. Earth sign rising people are Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.
An Air sign rising person is going to approach life with much curiosity and their intellect clicking along as they are processing and analyzing communication and social experiences as a part of their innate operating system. Air sign rising people have Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius rising.
A Water sign rising person is going to approach life through feelings and intuition. This person operates from a place of caring and compassion and an instinctive and intuitive understanding of situations and other people. Water sign rising people have Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces rising.
Understanding the Modality of the Ascendant in Astrology
The next manner of understanding the Ascendant is to understand its modality or whether it operates in an initiating or Cardinal mode, a Fixed or stable mode, or a Mutable or “meandering” easily swayed mode.
If one has a Cardinal sign on their Ascendant, they are likely to start projects or be involved in initiation, whether ideas in the home, social realms, or building for the future. The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Suppose one has a Fixed sign on their Ascendant. In that case, they will be more comfortable with routines, stability, and loyalty, not easily moved by others or the vicissitudes of life, whether physically, intellectually, or socially. The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
If one has a Mutable sign on their Ascendant, they will likely need variety and get quickly bored or distracted. They may have grand visions or ideas but may not have the practical resourcefulness to manifest them. The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Understanding Rising Signs: A Journey from “I” to “Thou”
One final note on the individual signs when being interpreted: The first six signs of the Zodiac—Aries through Virgo—have to do on some level with the experience of “I” the individual. The last six signs of the Zodiac, at some level, incorporate the concept of “the other” or thou. Hence, when thinking about rising signs, Aries through Virgo, there is a process of individualization that is part of the mechanics of the person’s operating system. When the rising sign is in the sign of Libra through Pisces, there is an element of “the dance” with another person that is an inherent subtle part of how the person operates in their life.
The Role of Planetary Rulers in Rising Sign Interpretation
I will now start analyzing how the different rising signs can be interpreted in your horoscope. It’s important to note that an experienced astrologer will also examine the ruler of the rising sign, its house positioning, and modifying aspects to better understand how the person expresses themselves. They will also examine the areas highlighted by the rising sign’s ruler and placement. These factors will be carefully observed and analyzed during an astrology reading.
One might have a Mutable sign on the Ascendant, e.g., Pisces or Sagittarius. If the ruling planet of the Ascendant is in the 10th house, the nuanced reading of the Ascendant may involve career, the person’s success in career, or being in the spotlight. Suppose the same Ascendant has its ruler in the 12th house. In that case, this might suggest that the person has a strong need for solitude and possibly seeks the spiritual life to understand how nuanced Astrology is. Rising sign descriptions, while informative, are not the same for all individuals. Not all Pisces-rising people will operate in the same manner. The same goes for all the rising signs. The ruler of the rising sign and its house placement will provide the added insights for an interpretative deep dive and highlight areas of life where the person’s energies are likely to be focused. Interpreting the planetary ruler of the rising sign will provide an additional layer of information about the person’s operating system or how they direct themselves in their life.
The last point I wish to make here as an Astrologer focused on the practice of Traditional Astrology is that when analyzing the ruler of the Ascendant, I am using and relying on the Rulerships of signs as laid out by Traditional Astrologers over 1500 years ago and not the house rulerships used by modern astrologers and popularized in the 1960s and 1970s.
Modern astrologers suggested that Scorpio was ruled by Pluto, Aquarius by the planet Uranus, and Pisces by the planet Neptune. For this article, everything I write, and how I interpret charts in my practice, I use the traditional rulerships. Hence, Scorpio is ruled by Mars, Aquarius by Saturn, and Pisces by Jupiter.
The traditional school of astrology has the Sun luminary ruling the sign of Leo, the Luminary of the Moon ruling the sign of Cancer, and each of the seven visible planets ruling two signs in different elements. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, an air and earth sign; Venus rules Taurus and Libra, an earth and air sign; Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, a fire and water sign; Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, a fire and water sign; and Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius an earth and an air sign. The location of the planets that rule your rising or Ascendant sign and the sign that the planet is in will modify the interpretation of your Ascendant to some degree.
What does your Ascendant say about you?

ARIES Rising: If your ascendant sign is Aries, you are ruled by Mars. Generally, the Aries rising person is a self-starter who values independence. The Cardinal fire-rising sign person is usually very good at starting new projects and has an entrepreneurial flair, but they may not finish what they start. They may have a talent for inspiring others, but at heart, they may be a loner, and they don’t like to be told by others what or how to do something. Aries rules the head; these people are often attractive or have beautiful head shapes or features. We would look to Mars for more understanding of the Aries rising individual.

TAURUS Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Taurus, you are ruled by Venus. Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, and with Venus as ruler, the Taurus rising person has a love for and an appreciation of fine things, such as beautiful fabrics, luxury in clothing and accessories, fine perfumes, etc. Fixed earth is hard to move, so a Taurus-rising person can be irritatingly slow; it would seem to make up their mind or make changes in their life. Sometimes, they lose opportunities because change is so difficult. Some might perceive them as stubborn. This Ascendant’s nature is to be steady and reliable, and they are deeply motivated by financial security. Taurus rules the throat in the body, and Taurus-rising people often have melodic voices.

GEMINI Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Gemini, your ruling planet is Mercury. Gemini is a Mutable air sign, and people with Gemini rising tend to be highly communicative, outgoing, and versatile. They often like to multi-task and may not see tasks through to completion. They have a heightened awareness of social trends, tend to get bored quickly, and if there is a party, they are likely to be among the first to be invited. They know many people and have an almost insatiable curiosity about life around them. Gemini rules the hands and nervous system, and Gemini-rising people often communicate not only verbally but with active hand movements as well. We would look to the placement of Mercury in the chart and the houses it rules to get more information on how the Ascendant sign operates in the Gemini rising person’s life.

CANCER Rising: If your rising sign is Cancer, then you are ruled by the Moon. Cancer is a Cardinal water sign, and people operate through keen intuition and strong instincts into the motivations of others. The Cancer-rising person navigates life caring for others, being highly intuitive and may feel fragility if they believe they are slighted by others. They are often gifted in homemaking, home building, or home selling. The Cancer rising person may often reflect on their childhood and their memories. Their memory is often remarkable. We would look to the placement of the Moon in this person’s chart for additional information on what is essential to the Cancer-rising individual. In the body, Cancer rules the stomach and the breasts, and Cancer-rising people may have a mothering aura as part of their persona, a love for food as comfort. If the person is born at night, the Moon is vital in this person’s life.

LEO Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Leo, you are ruled by the Sun. Leo is a Fixed Fire sign, and energetically, Leo rising wants to project its drama, its light into the world. Even a shy Leo wants to be noticed and the center of attention. The Leo rising individual operates steadily, shiningly, often with a flair for drama or even comedy. There is a core strength and intensity to Leo-rising people; it is natural for them to be at the center of attention. This rising sign may bring creative tendencies in theater or the stage of life. We would look to the actual placement of the Sun in this person’s chart to determine at which stage their life is unfolding. Leo rules the heart; these people often have “big, generous hearts.” The determination depends on the Sun’s placement by the house and sign and aspects of the Sun. A Leo-rising person is likely more dramatic if born during the day than at night.

VIRGO Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Virgo, your rising sign is in the modality and element of Mutable Earth, and your ruling planet is Mercury. Mercury, as ruler of an earth sign, brings impeccable attention to detail, and Virgo-rising people are sometimes known to have perfectionist tendencies with their highly developed analytical nature. They unconsciously analyze and sort data as part of their way of navigating the world. Virgo-rising people are good at understanding the usefulness of methodologies or people in their lives. The Virgo-rising person is sometimes known to have selfless tendencies in their attempts to order their world and the world of those close. Mercury, as ruler of Virgo, tends to connect the body and mind, and Virgo-rising people are often attracted to professions or interests concerning health and nutrition. Virgo is the ruler of the digestive system, and we can observe how Virgo-rising people digest, collate, and order life to perfection. We look to the placement of Mercury in the chart to further determine how the Virgo rising person is operating in their life.

LIBRA Rising: With Libra rising, we have now moved to the second half of the Zodiac, and we have started to see more of the principle of how another is intertwined in one’s life and consciousness. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign ruled by Venus. Venus, as ruler of the Cardinal Air sign, is interested in social graces and fairness, and here, there is a sense of working on balance within one relationship to another. Libra-rising people often are engaged in some type of balancing act in their lives, and decision-making does not always come quickly as they try to weigh all options. This sign often indicates a strong need for a partner and a feeling of comfort in a relationship rather than going it alone. A Libra-rising individual moves through life and looks at others unconsciously as potential partners. Libra-rising people often have an artistic mind and may have a talent for drawing or painting. We would consider where Venus is placed in the chart to further refine our understanding of the Libra-rising person. Libra rules the kidneys in the body. Because Venus rules the Libra-rising person, these people are often rather beautiful.

SCORPIO Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Scorpio, your rising sign is Fixed Water, and you are ruled by the planet Mars. Scorpio-rising people have penetrating insights into the motivation of others and are quick to size up another person, and their strong intuitions about others are usually “spot on.” An Astrologer I admire has said that Scorpio rising people have a built-in “Bull Shit “detector, which is a way of suggesting that you can not fool a Scorpio rising person, as their intuitive perceptions run deep, are usually correct, and they know it. Mars-ruled Scorpio rising people can seem intense and often have a fierce persona that is hard to miss. Indeed, in this person’s life, we will look at the placement of Mars in their chart by sign and house to further discern the path of the Scorpio rising person. Scorpio rules the reproductive system, and when the sign of Scorpio is mentioned, some often think that there is an intense sexual energy associated with this sign. Scorpio-rising people are usually very loyal to family and a few close friends. Because of their insights into others, they can excel in HR and detective work, and it is said that Mars-ruled Scorpio rising people can be good at directing others and may be drawn to the medical field, where they make excellent surgeons. Always study Mars to understand how this energy may manifest in a chart.

SAGITTARIUS Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Sagittarius, your rising sign is Mutable Fire, and you are ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius-rising people come into this life with a spirit of adventure and the goal of extracting as much pleasure from life as possible. With Jupiter as the Ruling planet, we usually experience the Sagittarius rising individual as optimistic, generous, adventurous, and outgoing. The Sagittarius-rising person usually has a thirst for knowledge and may be inclined toward travel and teaching. These people may be naturally lucky, and we would look at how Jupiter is placed in their chart to understand their goals and tendencies. Sagittarius, as Mutable fire, does not like to be contained, and some have described the Sagittarius rising persona as akin to the archetype of the Gypsy. Sagittarius rules the hips, and I have met more than one Sagittarius rising woman who danced with abandon, shaking her hips imbued with Sagittarius essence.

CAPRICORN Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Capricorn, then your rising sign is that of Cardinal Earth, and your chart ruler is the planet Saturn. Capricorn-rising individuals approach life in a serious manner. They appreciate planning and scheduling and need to be organized as they move through life. They understand a “step-by-step” approach to tasks, do not like to be rushed, and believe in doing things the way they have always done. They have a profound respect for traditional values and often desire recognition or appreciation for their work ethic or accomplishments. They tend to be cautious and frugal in their spending. Capricorn-rising children are usually very mature for their ages or sometimes seem to get saddled with responsibilities at an early age. There is a saying about Capricorn and Capricorn-rising individuals that they “are old when they are young and young when they are old.” With Capricorn rising, we would look to the sign and house placement of the planet Saturn, as well as its aspects, to further understand this individual’s goals and life paths.

AQUARIUS Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Aquarius, then your rising sign Quality is that of Fixed Air, and your ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn ruling an air sign is different from Saturn ruling an earth sign. In this case, Saturn, as ruler, is interested in developing ideas that may benefit humanity. The Aquarius-rising individual approaches life with inner logic and knowingness and often uses logic and intellectual analysis to help others. With Aquarius rising, the fixed air modality suggests a person who values their own ideas and is not likely to bend to the ideas of another. They navigate their world intelligently, and while they have a friendly demeanor, they may not get close quickly to others unless in a cooperative group focus. An Aquarius rising person marches to the beat of their own internal drummer, and we would look to Saturn’s sign placement and house placement to further understand this person’s goals and life expression. Aquarius rules the ankles.

PISCES Rising: If your Ascendant or rising sign is Pisces, then your rising sign quality is that of Mutable water, and your chart ruler is Jupiter. Pisces rising people are deeply feeling people that can feel so profoundly that it can sometimes be overwhelming. Pisces is a mutable sign, and its nature is akin to the undercurrents in the deep sea. Unlike other zodiac signs, Pisces does not have clear-cut boundaries, making it essential for Pisces-rising people to establish boundaries early on in life. They are highly receptive to the thoughts and lives of others and can be easily carried away like an ocean current into the vortex of others’ lives. They are naturally compassionate and possibly artistic, with poetry, dance, and music being good creative outlets. Pisces feels others so profoundly that the risk here is that they lose themselves in another’s drama and get carried away. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, and to further understand the Pisces rising individual, we would look to the placement of Jupiter by sign and house in their chart to further understand their life goals and talents. Pisces rules the feet.