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Zodiac Signs

In Astrology, no one is just “one sign.” An Astrological sign is a constellational backdrop that imbues a planet or a planetary angle, especially with the sign’s characteristics. These characteristics are further associated with planetary rulership and the nature of the planet or luminary that rules the signs. This classification system was established through observations and writings of Astrologers in traditional Astrology dating back to the Babylonians and the Greeks at or before the millennium.
Planets, especially the Sun, and angles, especially the Ascendant (the sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment of birth), are imprinted with the sign’s characteristics as outlined here.
The way and manner that the Sun sign or Ascendant is expressed is nuanced and modified by many separate factors, including the house placement, if the Sun, aspects from other planets, fixed stars, and whether the person was born during the day or at night.
While no guide can be a “one size fits all,” as there are myriad nuances, influences, and timing elements that will contribute to the life and path of any individual, Astrology offers an approach to a system of self-understanding and self-reflection that supports growth, keys to break through self-understanding and a beginning point for introspection and self-evaluation.
Throughout time, the Planetary Rulers who evoke the Mythological archetypes of the Greeks have acted as Lords with keys to unlock the secrets of the houses they ruled.
The insights here assist in understanding the signs and tendencies of the signs to help the reader with meaningful and valuable insights into understanding themselves, friends, family, or lovers.
The signs here are most descriptive of the Sun and Ascendant energies, but aspects of the signs, such as the element and whether the sign is Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed, pertain to all the planets.

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