As the Sun ingresses into the sign of Capricorn Thursday night at 8:27 PM MST, as we experience the longest night and the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it also heralds a time of increasing light. It sets the tone for the next 3 months until the spring solstice. The Sun enters Cardinal Capricorn while combusting the planet Mercury in Retrograde motion and making a lovely trine to the Moon and Jupiter and a supportive sextile to Saturn, the dispositor of the Capricorn Sun.

With Mercury combust by the Sun and Retrograde in Capricorn with a lovely trine to the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus and a supportive Sextile from Saturn, the message here is to go within and to make your plans concrete for the ensuing year. With Saturn in dreamy Pisces, we can dive deeply into our dreams and realistically formulate and concretize our visions. The sixth house placement of the Sun/Mercury suggests we should pay close heed to the details as “The Devil is in the details.” If we can apply the discipline to formulate concrete goals, we should be empowered for successful outcomes. When Mercury goes direct on Jan 2, 2024, and Jupiter is in direct motion, it will be a time for actualizing.